What will happen if we click our own Ad ?

What will happen if we click our own Ad? As well as clicking from different PCs on the same IP of internet?

Answer: Clicking on your own ad is a violation of the terms of service of most ad networks, and could result in your account being suspended or terminated.

Clicking multiple times from the same IP address could also trigger ad fraud detection algorithms and lead to your account being flagged or banned.

If you click on your own ad, it is considered click fraud, which is a violation of the terms of service of most advertising platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and others.

Click fraud is any fraudulent or malicious activity that involves clicking on pay-per-click ads for financial gain, with the intention of manipulating the ad network’s billing system, and artificially inflating ad clicks, and ad revenue.

Click fraud can lead to your account being suspended or terminated, and you may also be liable for legal action or penalties.

Similarly, clicking on your ads from different PCs on the same IP address can also be considered click fraud. This is because ad networks can detect multiple clicks from the same IP address and may interpret this as suspicious activity.

In summary, clicking on your own ads or asking others to click on your ads from the same IP address can harm your ad campaign’s performance, and it can also result in account suspension or termination.

It is important to comply with the ad network’s terms of service and engage in ethical advertising practices to ensure the success of your ad campaigns.

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